Thursday, April 4, 2013

Angel blankets

Tiny Angel Blankets

I like to make blankets to go with the Teeny Tears Diapers. 

You can read about the Teeny Tears Diaper Projects here.

Fabric: I use flannel on both sides, minky with Flannel on the inside, regular cotton fabric with flannel on the inside, or fleece with flannel on the inside. 

 Sizes: any size from 12"x12" to 18"x18" are good sizes. 


1.  Trim the selvages off the edge of the fabric, so it does not end up showing on your finished blanket. 

2.  Then turn the fabric so the RIGHT sides are together. 
     Cut the fabric into a square. Any size from 12"x12" to 18"x18" and a nice size for angel babies. 

3.  Sew all the way around the blanket, stopping to turn the corners. Use a 1/4" seam allowance. Leave a small (4") opening in one side to be able to turn the blanket right side out. 

4.  Trim the corners

5.  Turn the blanket right side out, using a chop stick or wooden spoon to push out the corners. 

6. Topstitch all the way around the blanket. I use zig zag for boys and a curve for girls. 

There is usually enough fabric on the edge of a yard to make a couple sets of diapers to match. 

I also make contrasting diapers to match a lot of the fabric that is donated to us or when the print is too large for the teeny tears diapers. 

More blankets...

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