Friday, September 20, 2013


They were all up early. I got Michelle up at 5:45 to be out at the bus, in the dark, at 6:30. The boys know NOT to put in an appearance till 7 am and all sleep with a clock. 

The early risers club. 

Their bus comes about 8. After yesterday at school, I wanted them to be ready and OUT there as she does not usually stop here ad is flying by the time she does go by. They were all out there waving their blue bus passes. 

Early release. The bus ride was not as long as it used to be! Only 30 minutes. 

Michelle got off the bus just as I was coming home from Bible Study. She finished her homework. The boys came and hour later. We ran Michelle in for practice and came back for a bit. Then all went to her came at 4. She got a hit, after the coach told her if she was going to swing, swing HARD! So she did and got a nice base hit. She stole 2nd and 3rd on an overthrow from the next batter and stole home on a wild pitch. She was out by inches. They won 13-2.  

The blog is doing it's own thing today, so all I can do is put the photos in a pile and use whatever font it decides I can.... BUT It's FRIDAY!!!!!

Michelle is #18 in the middle

The Fans!! It was hot so they were down to T shirts! 

Michelle did great. I was really proud of her and did my best to embarrass her with lots of pictures! 

Jordan went to football with Grampa. Then they were all home about 7:30 enough time for stories and ice cream. We had dinner in the car on the way to the game. They were all in bed by 8. we had a few too many "not listening" and "Gramma has had to say "STOP" WAY too many times today", events. Besides I was tired! HA HA HA

Michelle and I watched a "Chopped" and we were all in bed!!

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