I know we all walk around and turn off lights and shut the doors. Most of the "money saving tips" I read, I have done for years. With 5 kids and all that goes with that, we had to. NOW we are kind of feeling like retiring in a few (many) years might be a reality. At least from a job where people expect you show up! With getting older, you finally realize you need to take care of yourself and eat well. I found this list on a place I was looking to find heirloom seeds. If I am gardening, I want to grow good food and not Genetically Modified food. So I found this site. I wish I could take credit for all the ideas, but they are found here.
We are not fanatics about the food we eat or anything, but are just trying to do better. I know you can NOT separate a Rinehart from his ice cream!!
Some places we have been using...
Yes, Amazing, I know! It was the only produce picture I had this year. The FIRST tomatoes after a rainy, rainy, rainy, summer. I was happy to have any!
I finally did get with it, after a long spring and summer with a lot of time spent on the road...
BUT by fall, THIS little guy came home! He loves his Twinbrook Creamery egg nog!
Saving Money Tips- STRETCH your dollars!!
Make your own laundry soap! Works and smells GREAT andonly .01 cent a load. I used this site and added a bit of dry calgon for scent. I have 5 little ones and like the clean looking and smelling clothes this soap gives our family (many times daily).
Use VINEGER rather than costly cleaning products! Works just as good if not better. (google: 101 ways to use vineger)
Use your crock pot 2 times a week.
Garden!! go figure....
Have a family game nite rather than going out.
(a 2 fold blessing)
Make your OWN coffee at home. Keep supplies on hand at home and resist, resist, resist the urge to stop at a stand!
Refill your water bottle and brown bag your daily lunch.
Slow down on junk food purchases! Pop, cookies.....maybe only "do junk" on family game nite.
NO NO NO to credit cards! pay it off- but you already know this.
Draw names and MAKE Christmas gifts this year!! Make it fun!
Top picks from about.com are...cookies in a jar...bath salts...daddys caddy... stepping stones... Nana's angels tshirt...coco jars.. printable calendars...printable coupons...candy jar...hollow book....tea cup / jar candles...memory jar...slime,dough,paint....coffee can stilts.
Buy the items you use alot in bulk.
Make a shopping list and stick to it!
Don's spend big money entertaining your children.
Children want most is your time, not your stuff- play/read with them.
Use craigslist and re-use sites for items you need.
Lower that thermostat a few degrees and wear socks!
Shop with coupons and store flyers.
When shopping for standard items (clothes, sports equipment, older games, etc.), start by shopping used.
Swap babysitting with neighbors and friends.
Learn how to cut hair. With my large family we save 1,000 a yr....wow!
Maintain your own car.
Use the library for books and movie rentals- redbox is good too.
Go hiking and camping for this years vacation.
Cancel your phone and use your cell phone. (majic jack works)
**Remember- you can do it! Use a determined % of the money saved each month and get out of debt.**
From there you can save- save- save!!
Good luck!! I bet you can save at least $1,000 dollars easily.
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