Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Day 2012

I guess I never really noticed Feb 29 before. And there is really nothing special about it this year, other than it is snowing? I got to thinking.. hmm every 4 years, now THAT might be do-able. I am not much into New Years Resolutions, etc. But maybe if I look back in FOUR years and see if anything has been accomplished, or changed much, maybe I will have a chance!!
The snow looking out my "office" window. About 6 trees are now GONE. 
You can see the log piles.. We are hoping to enlarge the garden. 

New this year, is turning John's room into my "office?. Warren calls it my command center. I have my sewing, crafting, computer, and every project under the sun going on up here... John has pretty much moved out. He is attending Gonzaga University in Spokane and in summers he works elsewhere. This summer it will be at UC Santa Barbara in California in their Quantum Computer "group". I do not know what this is, but he assures me it is on the edge... with John, I am pretty sure of that. 

Also I have taken up "swimming". I am not a real swimmer, but I do like it and enjoy flapping around the pool for 30 minutes a day. It is good for me. 

My current sewing projects include: baby buntings for the NICU, Making slippers out of felted sweaters, I have a few purses cut out, and bibs, and baby shoes and "mug rugs" for coffee cups on the desk. 

I have started trying to scrap book a bit after about a 10 year lapse. 

I plan to enlarge the garden spot, We had 6 trees cut down last week to make room. Also Sunday we thought it would be a GREAT idea to get a couple weaner pigs. The grand boys thought they could help with that. I told them how much FUN pigs are, and I really need them to go along with my 24 chickens! 

Add to this the fact that Warren is a turnaround planner at the refinery and they just had a very significant fire, and he has not seen the house in daylight since summer... (well, weekends) a lot of the general house/yard chores fall on me. 

SO I will post a report on Feb. 29, 2016 and let you know how all these projects went for us!

I really do love my life, my family and all that goes with that. I have always been very thankful I could stay home with my kids and did not have to go away to work. 

I do volunteer at the Thrift Store, which I love. Lots of wonderful folks there. 

My "office". Lots of projects. 

We have lived in this small house about 24 years. We  have a little living room and dining room. This is where it all has happened for many years. I have always sewed and scrap  booked at the dining room table. So when I go up to my office, Warren always asks where I am and what I am doing! 

This is my real live Joann's cutting counter. I was pretty sure I had to have this when the were remodeling and giving these away. It is great for cutting quilt pieces. Now that it is here, it will never leave. It took 6 men to haul it in. Warren says when I am done with it, we will chop it up for firewood, as there is no way to get it OUT otherwise. he put some really nice doors on it, so I hate to see it chopped up. As you can see, more projects...

The dining room table. A few projects of the day, here. This DOES get cleaned off by the time Warren gets home from work. 

This is Chucks old dining room table, we brought it in for Thanksgiving seating, and well, I decided to take up with my scrap booking...

This is the current pile of books by my chair. I tried to take a picture of my living room and kitchen, which currently ARE clean and pretty much stay that way with only 2 of us and a dog. 
He does not REALLY have his own laptop and pillow, it just looks like that...

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

March of Dimes March for Babies

We are marching for Team Cohen and Carter in the March of Dimes March for Babies, in Seattle on May 5. 
Every day, thousands of babies are born too soon, too small and often very sick. I'm walking in March for Babies because I want to do something about this. And I need your help.
My identical twin grandsons were born at 25 weeks. Cohen spent 130 days in the NICU at the UW. Carter is our angel in heaven. Please continue pray for Cohen's AMAZING progress and health! He is our HUGE (but little) miracle! Thanks to all the nurses, drs and all who supported my daughter and son in law!
Please support my walk. Making a secure donation is easy: just click the 'donate now' button on my page
Thank you for helping me give all babies a healthy start!
The mission of March of Dimes is to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth, and infant mortality.
Thank you for your support!